Francis Fukuyama’s Delusion!

Piran, 6.7.2022

Francis Fukuyama, Senior felow at Center of Democracy, Developement and the Rule of Law, Stanford University, expressed his view of what is happening on the world geopolitical chessboard.

His statement is supported by the entire international community… ?????

Francis Fukuyama! Wake up…

His statement should read: “The defense against the Russian invasion has a meaning much broader than country Ukraine; it is a fight for the future of western supremacy.”

Why is Francis Fukuyama wrong?

The US proxy war against Russia continues and is the top story in the mainstream media… According to the MSM, Ukraine is winning… Behind the scenes, a New World Order is taking shape … Ukraine, Kaliningrad…
America and the EU continue sanctions against Russia, China and Iran. The results of the sanctions can be seen in the global flow of capital, where the countries in red are the losers. Behind the scenes, new exclusions and new alliances are taking place. Dedollarisation is already well under way … There is still a long way to go to a new multipolar world
without western supremacy.

Martin Armstrong: Look closely at our capital flow map […/Capital-Flow-Map-6…]. Note that the capital is fleeing Europe. But also note that the sanctions imposed on private Russians have led to their liquidation of assets in the West, and capital is flowing back into Russia. Hence, as always, our politicians who listen to academics are doing everything precisely opposite of what they should be doing. Our Capital Flow Models, unlike any other tool, have identified that Biden’s sanctions have indeed already destroyed globalization. Even that has come out right on target — 72 years from the birth of globalization in 1950, which has created world peace and broke the back of communism.

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The Geopolitical Chess Game 5 * The Geopolitical Chess Game 4 * The Geopolitical Chess Game 3 * The Geopolitical Chess Game 2 * The Geopolitical Chess Game 1

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